
Muslim Activists

 I have always believed that as Muslims it is our duty to be activists in society for everyone and literally everything. As I've gotten older I have began to realize what a hefty task that is however I think it is a fruitful one to embark on. As Sophia Bush states we need to find our "sacred rage" something that calls us to create a better change in the world.  In order to find your "sacred rage" I recommend that you volunteer as much as possible, and try to educate yourself. Find something that fells like "your calling". That's the unique think about us: if we each find our calling in whatever niche that may be, we could probably get conversations started in all aspects oh human life. Attached below I have some links that hopefully inspire something in you. Sophia Bush on Activism Linda Sarsour as a Muslim Activist 9 Muslim Women Activists to Know

My Goals for 2021

       Normally, I always make a list of goals that I want to focus on at the start of the year. Sometimes I follow through and other times, it just doesn't end up working out. This year I have quite a bunch of goals but the main one is self-discipline. That is my theme for the year. As Muslims, we have to have a lot of self-discipline especially if we are to survive in the western world. Just like how this blog is divided I have goals for wellness, fashion, spirituality, fitness and politics. I'll throw in academics as a personal gambit.      While I go through my goals for the year, I hope to share my journey and what I come across. I hope that it inspires some, and evokes thought for others. While going about my journey I also intend to share the resources I use so that we can discuss them, and they may be insightful to you too. May we reap the blessings of this new year!

Nike Runners App: A Review

            I n hopes of losing weight I went to my trustee friend YouTube and looked up video’s for losing weight, I usually ran up a mountain and lost the weight however I was not as consistent and lost the determination I once had as a young fledging (college does that, or depression). I came across this running app called Nike’s Running app and I thought to myself: ‘…hmm, this seems sketch.’ In my experience most apps are full of ads trying to sell you something, however desperate times call for desperate measures and I wasn’t letting my ex-friend Wendy get the best of me. In the app you can select a coach, I selected Coach Bennett and man, this app was the best thing I have done for myself. The app connects with you and asks you for your information: age, name, gender, and height and generates and algorithm for later. Now you select a coach and there’s a scheduled plan for you to run and the app tracks how long you run, for how long, ...

The Butterfly Effect

My goal with this blog is to create a safe place for girls to feel free and blossom. I want to be a older sister to the new muslim generation and allow them to develop a voice for themselves. It is important for these girls to recognize their own voice so their voice doesn’t get squandered by the noise of the rest of the world. We need a world of strong critical thinkers who can sort fact from fiction. We need strong minded individuals that realize the need to develop a relationship with their lord. Because that’s the thing about this world: It is a cruel world out there, it is full of predators and prey. We need to be strong, smart, critical. We need to be able to sort through the world. We women deserve better. We deserve to know the truth and to search for the truth. Once we give our women the elevation to reach the summit of their struggle we can start to make a change. This change can in turn create a butterfly effect and manifest itself to a whole ...

What is the Secret?

If you haven’t already, I sincerely recommend everyone to watch The Secret (streaming on Netflix). The secret discusses manifest theory on how you can use manifest theory to reach your dreams. Although, The Secret is very theatrical, the concept stays the same: Be attentive to what you focus on and how you see it forthcoming. Even though you can’t just speak your dreams into existence, you can be focused on accomplishing your dreams and invest all your energy into seeing your dreams to fruition. I have always been a believer of the success formula approved by Allah : Effort + Baraka = Success.

Makeup Conscious

Lets just say it: makeup is amazing! It works wonders for everyone and allows you to enhance your natural beauty, and be more confident. The problem however arises, when we start to trust counterfeit makeup that may do more harm than good. Inspired by the documetary Broken (streaming on netflix) calls for educated consumers to be aware of the products that we apply on our faces and prevent the damaging effects that counterfeit makeup can have.

All About Us

Growing up there was a great lack of a muslim community for the Muslim Girl Youth outside of the fashion/ Hijab world. Our goal is to cater to Muslim Girls and enable us to become better in our societies with both knowledge in deen and dunya. We look to explore it all - politcs, travel, conventions, mosques. Stay tuned and see what we speak on next!